Town of Salem Wiki

The executioner grabbed his bags and looked back at his past.

He was a former jailor, executing the proper people, carrying the town. Until town betrayed him.

He wanted revenge, which ended up making a townie as his target.

That one member always leaded him to get kicked out, leading him incorrectly, they tried fixing their mistakes, but that executioner will never forget that day.

He always pushed him dead, the executioner chuckled and laughed as his target was hanged.

Sooner or later, he went on to the next townie, but he realized one thing. His taget soon died, making him feel guilty, laughing at his pain as he saw his former target. So his new goal was dying like his former target.

The former jailor soon got hanged, ending his life in guilt.

JailorWitch (talk) 17:01, October 21, 2018 (UTC)

Its a simple idea, really.
