Town of Salem Wiki

Template:Story Medusa


  • The Medusa has the ability to Stone Gaze, which will turn any visitors to Stone. When turned to Stone, the user's role or last will cannot be viewed, similar to a Janitor's clean.
  • The Retributionist cannot revive victims you have stoned.
  • Amnesiacs cannot attempt to remember a stoned person's role.
  • You may only use your gaze three times.
  • With the Necronomicon, you have unlimited Stone Gazes and can visit people to turn them to stone.
  • Your Stone Gaze is a Powerful attack to visitors, similar to a Veteran. The downside is you won't gain any defense when gazing, so if you are attacked, you still die.
  • You can be role-blocked. This prevents your gaze from taking effect on the role-blocker, and anyone can safely kill you.


  • Like the Veteran, the Medusa relies on visits to get kills. So refer to the Veteran page on how to make the most of this ability.
    • Unlike the Veteran, however, you need to avoid being recognized as the killer afterwards. This can be a problem if you bait people, since players may look back and try to figure out who the stoned players might have visited and why.
    • Also, activating your Stone Gaze doesn't prevent you from being killed by an attacker, so try to attract investigative and support roles instead of killing roles.
  • The Necronomicon allows you to visit people and turn them and anyone who visits them to stone. Use this to kill enemy night immune roles like the Godfather, and other Neutral Killing roles.
  • The Coven Leader can force people to visit you, allowing you to kill reliably prior to obtaining the Necronomicon.
    • An added advantage to this is that the Coven Leader learns the role of the person they're sending to their doom, allowing a member of the Coven to use it as claim-space.
    • Remember, however, that you do not gain Defense when using your Stone Gaze, so they need to be careful to avoid directing potential killers to you.
  • Considering the fact you can stone gaze specific people with Necronomicon, even if you used up your stone gazes consider gazing nights 1, 2, and even three, if you don't get the Necronomicon that night since you can now basically become a combination of Mafioso with powerful attacks and Janitor with infinite cleans once you do receive it.
  • Your ability to visit once you have the Necronomicon can sometimes be used to frame other Townies as the Medusa; if everyone knows who someone is visiting on a particular night, stoning the visitor might make people think the person they visited was the Medusa.

Dealing With Medusas

  • Dealing with the Medusa is very similar to dealing with a Veteran, but unlike the Veteran, the Medusa is a target to the Town as well. When someone is stoned, look back to see who they might have visited; that person could be the Medusa.
  • Additionally, a Medium or Retributionist can determine who stoned people visited.
  • However, it is important to remember that once the Medusa has the Necronomicon, they can visit offensively; after the Coven has the Necronomicon, you can't automatically conclude that the person a stoning victim visited was the Medusa unless you're certain the Necronomicon is held by someone else.
  • Remember that a Medusa only has 3 Stone Gazes, so if you have to investigate or kill them, you have a good chance of catching them unprotected after 2-3 nights.
  • Taunting yourself can be really helpful as killing roles may assume you are being attacked and not waste a night and it often attracts Town Protective. Doing this too much may lead people to believe you are evil, however.

